Wednesday, May 10, 2006

It has been a long time since my last post! I am finally pregnant! Yeah!!!!!!!!! I am extremely nausous and extremely teary and emotional. I think I am more emotional this pregnancy. With my first two I was sick and emotional, but not as teary over every little thing. I was dramatic and everything, but I am crying about Maya and Miguel episodes and Arthur and even Jimmy Neutron, that is crazy! I wonder if that means anything maybe a girl this time? Maybe not I would be happy either way. My Zac is sure it's a boy and Max thinks I am having twins. Well that is my news.

Friday, February 03, 2006


So today I ran across an article on msn, about celebrity moms. Yuck! Can I say it again Yuck! Why do we can about their personal life, they play(act) out characters on movies and t.v. They are not those people in real life. I think that distinction is often not seen. Oh well I just needed to express that.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Today I did some remodeling myself. It was scary, but atleast it's getting done. One might think that doing the remodelling myself instead of waiting for my husband to do it, would be liberating. It wasn't infact it makes me feel trapped. Now that I have grouted the bathroom floor all on my own, aswell as varnishing the newly sanded hardwood floors (all in one day by the way), what is to stop me from anything else. The proper tools? Oh no anyone can go to the local home depot and rent them! I am trapped. Maybe if I start cooking, baking, bringing my husband his slippers and putting the internet on the newspaper for him when he gets home will I not be obligated to do the tough liberated woman things. I wonder which is harder? I guess what it boils down to is if you want something done you have to do it yourself and that could mean baking cookies or grouting the tile.

Monday, January 30, 2006

My site is not complete yet, but I feel if I don't put a post on I will never do it. I don't know why I am so afraid. I guess my mind has gone blank. I thought I had so much to say. I am starting a cute hat from the Snb Nation book by Debbie Stoller. If you haven't checked it out yet you should(if your a knitter of course). Well come to think of it, if you're not a knitter you should check out her first book same name, because then you may want to become a knitter. Yes, it's that awesome! Well my husband is doing all the work on our house remodel so I better go and help him.
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