Thursday, July 03, 2008

Wow, It's been a really long time since my last post! I am sitting here with just Sophia. My boys and Nate went to Lake Powell for the hoo and whew for me. I am so torn, on the one hand I wish I had gone on the other I am so happy and COOL and COMFORTABLE here in my air conditioned house with my bed. I miss my guys though. I miss the help my boys give me with Sophia, but yet nap time is truly peaceful with no interuptions! I actually miss Max's babbling about pokemon, and Zac's constant art messes. I miss Nate's conversation and well that's not all. Anyway, night is especially hard when your used to staying up late with a companion so I've delved into a book...The Host. It took me a little while to get into, but then I liked it. It made me wonder what would happen or how I would react if an alien took over my body, I like to say I would resist because I resist a lot of things. I also wonder about the love srory part, but I don't want to give anything away. It's a good book worth a read!

1 comment:

julib said...

It was a fun read. A little cheesy at parts. Like the kiss test. Oh brother. I like all the relationship stuff though. It is what really matters after all.

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