Tuesday, August 19, 2008

old age or new age and a movie review

Is 30 old age or is it simply a new age? I really don't feel any different but as of yesterday I have entered into a new age. Nate kindly pointed out yesterday, "So you are no longer in your twenties." No I am not, but I will always be younger than him so there! It was a nice birthday, I can now DVR my favorite shows and I got to gorge myself at Ruby River last night. We also rented a funny movie that surprised us, but we liked it. We have this bad habit... if the movie doesn't look violent or sexy we don't look at or worry about the rating. Well this movie we watched was rated 'R'. It was about teenagers so I really should have know better (they do say the F word a lot, teenagers that is). The movie was called Charlie Bartlett the stars are newcomers, but their respective parents on the movie are seasoned actors Robert Downey Jr and Hope Davis. Everyone does a great job in the movie. The movie deals with teen issues and parents of teen issues in a funny way with the main characters mostly being very neurotic people. While we were watching I couldn't help feeling like the movie reminded me of a cross between Farris Bueller's Day Off and Harold and Maude.A very strange combination I know, although this movie is more clever than both. Anyway if you liked Juno you will probably like this movie it has a similar comedic style, but beware the F word frequents and there is a scene where a couple girls run past topless. That's all folks!


Laura said...

Happy, happy birthday!

And until Jenifer Aniston leaves her 30s, I think we can still call it young.

Abi said...

So we wanted to see Charley Barlett. Guess we'll pass! Anyway . . . I think 30 is SO young!!

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